Our fees - Financial advice to private clients

Alpha & K is declared as independent  within the meaning of the MIF II directive, a regulatory status which requires us to return any form of retrocession to our clients. In this way we can confidently affirm the fundamental principle of our remuneration:

Our remuneration comes only from the fees of our clients.

We may collect retrocessions from intermediaries and third parties but this only in the interest of the client to whom  we return all of these retrocessions.

There are two stages of advice: the first, discretionary advice, allows you to become familiar with advice on short, non-binding assignments. The second, the investment and engineering package, allows consulting to be extended to all subjects and over time, while controlling the cost.

| Discretionary advice

For one-off advice, at the start of the relationship

Honoraires d’entrée en relation et de conseil discrétionnaire

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| The consulting package

More comprehensive, long-term advice

Forfait investissement et ingénierie patrimoniale

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